Online Marketing Manager

Language: English

Marketing = getting people to know, like and trust you.


How can I increase my reach? How do I sustainably inspire my target group? And how do I meet the wishes and interests of potential customers with the right marketing campaign?

While traditional marketing has faded further and further into the background in recent years (or seems to be running at a standstill), the relevance of digital marketing campaigns is steadily increasing. In the age of Big Data, social media and online shopping, creative ideas are needed to stand out in the market.


Aim of the course:

… is to train professionals who work in the company specifically for the maintenance of the web presence, online activities, marketing and in social media marketing. It gives a comprehensive overview of the mode of action and possible applications of online marketing and provides participants with important knowledge about the opportunities, risks and special features of online marketing.


Learning objectives:

  • Use of the instruments of operative online marketing and the sensible extension of the instruments of the classical marketing mix using new media
  • Formulate a consistent framework concept of online marketing
  • Recognise characteristics of the Internet and their significance for online marketing
  • Identifying the potential benefits of online trade, with their limits and risks
  • Formulate business models on the Internet, possible target groups and goals
  • Specifics of consumer behaviour on the Internet and possibilities of online market research for their analysis